
WSOC High School Experience | Parent Tour

Event Information


Touring the high school while classes are in session provides parents with an insider’s look at what makes our school, teachers and students so unique.

You’ll see that Waldorf high school students are engaged throughout each day actively, emotionally, and thoughtfully.

Because Waldorf education requires inner responsiveness on the part of the students, graduates leave school with a clearer sense of who they are and what they believe to be important, making it possible for them to give direction and purpose to their own lives.

– Jack Petrash

The tour will be followed by a Question and Answer Session with teachers, alumni, current students and current WSOC HS parents.

If your student is an 8th Grade Visitor to the WSOC HS on this day, they will join you for the Q&A portion of this event.


  • Parents will gather at 10:30 am adjacent to our school store, the Company of Angels. Join us for a cup of something warm to drink, a tasty treat and some shopping time in our beautiful school boutique before the tour begins.
  • Reservations are required as our tours are limited in size.


Waldorf Education addresses the child as no other education does. Learning, whether in chemistry, mathematics, history or geography, is imbued with life and so with joy, which is the only true basis for later study. The textures and colors of nature, the accomplishments and struggles of humankind fill the Waldorf students’ imaginations and the pages of their beautiful books. Education grows into a union with life that serves them for decades.

By the time they reach us at the college and university level, these students are grounded broadly and deeply and have a remarkable enthusiasm for learning. Such students possess the eye of the discoverer, and the compassionate heart of the reformer which, when joined to a task, can change the planet

– Arthur Zajonc, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physics, Amherst College




10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

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